List of publications
Tieteelliset julkaisut // Scientific publications
Biotalous // Bioeconomy
Eläinkohtaisen vedenjuonnin seurantamenetelmä ultraäänisensoria käyttäen
Koskela, O., Ketonen, M., Pösö, J., Käkelä, P., Kunttu, I. & Pölönen, I. (2022). HAMK Unlimited Journal, 14.11.2022. learning image recognition of cow behavior and an open data set acquired near an automatic milking robot
Koskela, O., Pereira, L. S. B., Pölönen, I., Aronen, I. & Kunttu, I. (2022). Agricultural and Food Science, 31(2), 89-103. agricultural soil carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification through the Field Observatory Network (FiON)
Nevalainen, O., Niemitalo, O., Fer, I., Juntunen, A., Mattila, T., Koskela, O., Kukkamäki, J., Höckerstedt, L., Mäkelä, L., Jarva, P., Heimsch, L., Vekuri, H., Kulmala, L., Stam, Å., Kuusela, O., Gerin, S., Viskari, T., Vira, J., Hyväluoma, J., Tuovinen, J.-P., Lohila, A., Laurila, T., Heinonsalo, J., Aalto, T., Kunttu, I. & Liski, J. (2022). Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions, 2021, 1-26. a Biorefinery Ecosystem to Manage andMotivate Sustainable Regional Nutrient Circulation
Koskela, O., Dempers, C., Kymäläinen, M. & Nummela, J. (2021). Technology Innovation Management Review, 11(2), 33-43. 4.0—navetan olosuhteiden jatkuva mittaaminen
Koskela, O., Virtanen, K., Kukkamäki, J., Aronen, I. & Kunttu, I. (2020). Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, (38), 1-7.
Matemaattiset artikkelit ja biolääketieteen tekniikka // Mathematics and biomedical engineering
Lehti- ja kirja-artikkelit // Papers in journals and books
Multifrequency electrical impedance tomography in biological applications: A multimodal perspective
Lehti-Polojärvi, M., Koskela, O. & Hyttinen, J. (2021). In Bioimpedance and Spectroscopy (pp. 157-189). Academic Press. projection tomography as a quantitative tool for analysis of cell morphology and density in 3D hydrogels
Belay, B., Koivisto, J. T., Parraga, J., Koskela, O., Montonen, T., Kellomäki, M., Figueiras, E. & Hyttinen, J. (2021). Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10. computed tomography
Ilmavirta, J., Koskela, O. & Railo, J. (2020). SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 80(4), 1947-1976. Light Model in Brightfield optical projection tomography
Koskela, O., Montonen, T., Belay, B., Figueiras, E., Pursiainen, S. & Hyttinen, J. (2019). Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-14. mathematical model and iterative inversion for fluorescent optical projection tomography
Koljonen, V., Koskela, O., Montonen, T., Rezaei, A., Belay, B., Figueiras, E., Hyttinen, J. & Pursiainen, S. (2019). Physics in medicine and biology, electrical impedance tomography using electrodes with limited surface coverage provides window for multimodal sensing
Lehti-Polojärvi, M., Koskela, O., Seppänen, A., Figueiras, E. & Hyttinen, J. (2018). Measurement Science and Technology, 29(2), 025401.
Konferenssijulkaisut // Conference papers
Optical projection tomography for particle counting and morphology analysis
Koskela, O., Chowdhury, M. T. K., Montonen, T., Belay, B., Pursiainen, S. & Hyttinen, J. (2021).In 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference: Proceedings of the EMBEC 2020, November 29–December 3, 2020 Portorož, Slovenia (pp. 944-951). Springer International Publishing. element mapping for efficient image reconstruction in rotational electrical impedance tomography
Koskela, O., Lehti-Polojärvi, M., Seppänen, A., Figueiras, E. & Hyttinen, J. (2019). In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018: June 3-8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 2) (pp. 901-904). Springer Singapore. model for multifocal imaging in optical projection tomography and numerical analysis of all-in-focus fusion in tomographic image reconstruction
Koskela, O., Pursiainen, S., Belay, B., Montonen, T., Figueiras, E. & Hyttinen, J. (2018). In EMBEC & NBC 2017: Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 2017 (pp. 282-285). Springer Singapore. relations of bioamine crosslinked gellan gum hydrogels
Koivisto, J. T., Koskela, O., Montonen, T., Parraga, J. E., Joki, T., Ylä-Outinen, L., Narkilahti, S., Figueiras, E. & Kellomäki, M. (2018). In EMBEC & NBC 2017: Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 2017 (pp. 189-192). Springer Singapore. projection tomography imaging of single cells in 3D gellan gum hydrogel
Belay, B., Koivisto, J. T., Vuornos, K., Montonen, T., Koskela, O., Lehti-Polojärvi, M., Miettinen, S., Kellomäki, M., Figueiras, E. & Hyttinen, J. (2018). In EMBEC & NBC 2017: Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 2017 (pp. 996-999). Springer Singapore. model for simulating multifocal imaging in optical projection tomography
Koskela, O., Belay, B., Pursiainen, S., Figueiras, E. & Hyttinen, J. (2017, June). In Mathematics in Imaging (pp. MTu1C-3). Optica Publishing Group.
Muut teemat // Other themes
Lehti- ja kirja-artikkelit // Papers in journals and books
On Hourly Forecasting Heating Energy Consumption of HVAC with Recurrent Neural Networks
Metsä-Eerola, I., Pulkkinen, J., Niemitalo, O. & Koskela, O. (2022). Energies, 15(14), 5084.
Konferenssijulkaisut // Conference papers
Data-Driven Management of Material Flows in Circular Economy by Logistics Optimization
Järvenpää, A.-M., Jussila, J., Honkasaari, M., Koskela, O., & Kunttu, I. (2022). In The International Research & Innovation Forum (pp. 569-578). Cham: Springer International Publishing. a Genetic Algorithm for Sequencing Optimization in a Mixed-Model Manufacturing Assembly Line
Niemitalo, O., Ekkerman, G., Koskela, O. & Pulkkinen, J. (2021). 37th International Manufacturing Conference.
Yleistajuiset julkaisut // Popular publications
Älyjuoma-automaatti 2022 -hankkeen innovaatioryhmän pohdintaa lehmien juonnista
Koskela, O. & Vartiainen, P. HAMK Unlimited Professional, 25.2.2025. RFID tags for identifying cows in open space – trials and errors
Hattingh, G. & Koskela, HAMK Unlimited Professional, 21.2.2025.äkökulmia materiaalivirtojen kuljetusten tehostamiseen
Koskela, O., Ekkerman, G., Rantala, P., Niemitalo, O., Kunttu, I. & Järvenpää, A.-M. HAMK Unlimited Journal, 14.5.2024.ÄRKKI –Jätevesilietteiden ravinteet keskittäen kiertoon (video)
Kymäläinen, M., Tiainen, S., Vartiainen, P., Koskela, O., Närhi, J. & Lönnqvist, M. (2022). HAMK Unlimited Professional 20.12.2022.ä data-analytiikka on? (video)
Koskela, O. & Vahtila, O. (2022). YouTube 17.3.2022. datan ratkaisuja biotalouteen
Saarinen, J. & Koskela, O. (2020). Teoksessa J. Kukkamäki & M. Tarkkala (toim.), Avoin Häme. HAMK Unlimited Professional 1.6.2020.
Avoin data ja ohjelmakoodi // Open data and software
Cow drinking monitoring tests with ultrasonic sensor setup Aug 12th and Sep 20th, 2022
Koskela, O., Ketonen, M. & Pölönen, I. (2022). set of labeled scenes in a barn in front of automatic milking system
Benitez Pereira, L. S., Koskela, O., Pölönen, I. & Kunttu, I. (2020) 4.0 measurements with ELSYS ERS-CO2 device
Koskela, O., Partanen, A., Kukkamäki, J. & Kunttu, I. (2020). projection tomography images of Invitrogen™ beads
Koskela, O., Chowdhury, M. T. K., Montonen, T., & Hyttinen, J. (2020). implementation of Torus CT
Koskela, O. & Railo, J. (2019). tools
Koljonen, V., Koskela, O. & Montonen, T. (2018). solution of inverse Radon transform with a Gaussian beam model
Koskela, O., Pursiainen, S. & Montonen, T. (2018).