Olli Koskela
Mathematician and passionate musician
Currently, I work at Häme University of Applied Sciences as a research manager as the research manager of the Data and business analytics team.
I am particularly interested in bio- and agricultural research questions, and in addition, significant themes in the projects include e.g. research on circular economy material flows and knowledge-based management of tourism.
I graduated with a master's degree in applied mathematics from the University of Helsinki in 2012. I am finishing my dissertation at the University of Tampere in the field of biomedical engineering on the three-dimensional imaging method of cell cultures.
Bass player since 2001
Currently my main repertoire consists of violin, cello and guitar. I'm part of Hattulan viihdesoittajat ensemble.
Performance recordings in YouTube
Vanajaveden opiston VOP Festivaalit 22.4.2022
Recorded performance by Hattulan Viihdesoittajat
Rehearsal of DAB Song and Song for Sienna performance
Series of videos for each canceled-by-Covid gig in Spring 2020
Self portrait from photography course in 2017.